Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Moki. I hope I blog a blog for you later.

#1 Kitchen Sink
I would like to pretend that this is not how my sink always looks but this is pretty much how my sink always looks. Well sometimes I change the things in the window.

#2 Fridge

This is how my fridge usually looks unless it is worse. The family from Costa Rica asked if everyone in America had this much food in their fridge all the time. I think most people do, except for Mom, her fridge is always tidy and bare.

#3 Bathroom
I can't remember what comes next so I am doing bathroom. I sort of wanted log cabin/moose sort of theme but Wyatt wanted Rubber Ducky, so now you all know who the real boss in the family is. Wyatt!!!

#4 Me Right Now!

I go to Esther's in the mornings at 7 am and do Ab's and Bun's of steel and then take the kids on a short (my feet) wagon ride. Then I head down to Liz Adams for a 1 1/2 hour swim. I do wash my face and brush my teeth, but I don't see any reason to do makeup? Well I didn't, but now I do! YIKES!

#5 Laundry Room

I am still working on the stuff from the ATV trip. We'll working isn't really the correct word, more like..........?.........changing the loads if I happen to be in the dungeon.

#6 Favorite Room
This is where we play. We do crafts, sewing, dance pads, karaoke, read books, sleep, watch movie, conference, olympics etc. We have tried to make it appealing to our Grandchildren because that is what is the most fun, playing with our babies.
#6 Kids
Well this is a puzzle I have of the kids. They aren't really here for me to take pictures of at the moment. I was disappointed to think I was only blessed with three, but they were a pretty great three and look at us now.
(I am actually a little miffed at Esther for insisting I do this right now. She may be grounded and removed from the previous remark.)

#7 Favorite Shoes

Well anything squishy with extra squishy added for my poor old feet. Any color will do. #8 Closet

My closet was the closest but not the most tidy. I call my bedroom "command headquarters" because that is where the computer is, so that is where I take care of business. So that is why the books on the shelves in the closet.

#9Favorite Vacation Destination?

Check out the previous blogs. ATV Marysvale was an all time favorite and so was The Carribean Cruise with Mom and my Sisters.

Monday, September 22, 2008


So on the last day of our trip we went over to the "Rock Store". It was in the basement of the owners of the cabin. There were lots of beautiful rocks and they were fun to see. There were lots of beautiful polished rocks. Keith does this as a hobby and he was full of interesting information and fun facts to share with us. Aunt Cortnie is the Pied Piper for children, she loves them and they love her. Kevin loves to go to Aunt Mokie's to play just about anytime.
Myra Nellie had the prettiest, softest velvet dress on for church. We all got to admire our pretty gal on Sunday morning before they left for Circleville. What a model!! Here are some cute boys doing what cute boys do best. Hee Hee, ATV Trail Face. We all took a little dust to the face. I am so photogenic and look pretty spiffy with a unibrow. If I do say so myself. Our cute little Mother Hen and her chick. Actually the oldest and youngest grandbabies. Esther Chillin Everywhere we went there was something beautiful to see. Kevin and Jacob were asleep in the four wheelers, so we left some babysitters at the ATV's and the rest of us went on the steep hike with very little oxygen . It is pretty high altitude right there. Even Mom and I made it up to the water fall, with a little help. I didn't take many pictures but everyone else did, so you can check out their blogs to see the scoop. Can't wait for next year.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Somebody is getting to be a pretty good swimmer!!

Alex has always hated getting splashed or water on his face, until he got some goggles! Grandma isn't getting much aerobic in but she gets lots of exercise just the same!!!
Liz Adams is gracious enough to let us come and use her lovely pool not that the county pools are closed for the season.
Another one of those fearless swimmers. We actually had to preform a few life saving techniques. YIKES!
Cortnie and Esther let me bully them into coming along and bringing the babies! I know it is a lot of work, but the kiddies just love it. (And so do the Mom's once they get there)!
I'm not sure who this is or why my blog person put this picture here???
Fall is fast approaching! But I say play while the sun shines!

Up to SLC for Cory and Courtney's baby Blessing Day

On the way up we stopped to play at the park in Nephi, I think? The shade was cool and there was a nice breeze blowing.

Kevin is not afraid of trying anything, he had me hoping and swinging, and sliding and catching.

So even though Mom jinksed us, to not get any girls to wear the beautiful hand made blessing dress that she made, Cory and Courtney broke the mold with little Addy and she was adorable on her special day.

The blessing and picnic was held in the back yard of Courtney's grandparents. The yard was beautiful, the food was delicious, the blessing was wonderful and the company the best!

Somebody looks pretty proud! The Releif Society gathered to hold babies and exchange info. So who thinks Kathi is going to have a hard time adjusting to being a grandma? I don't think anyone! Congradulations New Parents and Grandparents!!!

Thanks for inviting us all for your special day.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Through the years.

We were looking back at some old photos and decided that we haven't changed all that much through the years.........
1960 1960
1966 1966 1974 1974 1976
1976 1978 1978 1985
Okay....Maybe a little bit!