There is always something going on at the Castle. Cortnie, Esther and I are working on crafts for the booth at the 24th of July in Emery. Emily, Myra and Myles brought GGrandma Mac wonderful healthy treats to help her recover from her cancer treatments! Thanks Guys. Myra, Myles and Alex came over for a swim party on the roof and it was lots of fun and the only way to endure the heat is to stay wet!!! For Fathers Day Bryan and Nick got remote control helicopters that fly great in the high ceilings of the castle, we had lots of fun. I'm not very faithful about blogging, but I enjoy the blogs of those who are faithful. Thanks everyone for all teh fun blogs!!!
There was 3 in the bed and the little one said....
Good Job Bloggin'
Love ya tons, Em
Yeah! What a fun BLOG! Good job mom! Love the pics. Can we do that again? Love you so much...see you later.
Keep 'em coming! Love you lots! Thanks for the wonderful Father's Day.
Hey yall whats cracka lackin?
I learn alot of ebonics living in St. Louis also known as the land of african America..I've said it once and I'll say it again..we have decide of our own freedom of choice and accountability to begin the process of blogging ourselves...hahah. Lauren is in charge of our new website. laurenandchristopher.blogspot.com
Check it out and keep touch ya ol phogeys. Thats a pretty sexy picture you have posted on your page. High five Uncle Wyatt!
We miss you guys, cant wait to get home. We are buying a home in Washington Terrace...bout 25-30 minutes North of my ma and pa.
Lets set up the sickest paintball tourny ever. I miss you two cuties. Hope and pray you all are safe and happy.
Love you lots,
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