We recently went on a short vacation to the Big Rock Candy Mountain to take the Paiute ATV Trail.

The deck was nice and the view was awsome.

There was a fun playground there for the kids!!

The scenery was fabulous! We were more than 12,000 feet up in the mountains!

The air was crisp and cool and smelled like pines!

There were a few tight spots along the trail.

Sometimes we couldn't see the forest for the trees, but it was beautiful from what ever view.

We had to go over a narrow bridge from our cabin onto the trails right out back. The river was just behind the cabin we could see it from the deck.

Looks like you guys had loads of fun!
Love the picture of Gramps with the locals! What a cutie!
Love you guys, Em
Mom didn't mention that during our time at the 12000 ft level there could be heard what sounded like a harp and singing......or was it just me suffering from oxygen depravation gasping for breath and ringing ears......hummmmmm, either way, it was heavenly =)
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