Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Like Mother Like Son

Kevin has decided that he likes to play the piano with Mom. Doesn't matter how it sounds, it's the making of the music that really counts. Shine on shine on yellow moon. Took this picture last night as the moon was coming up. I took this picture this morning as the moon was going down. Sure was purtty! Esther got a new camera, so she gave me her old one. Yahooeee!!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Follow the Red brick Painting!

Esther added my new pictures for me but I have not had time to blog. I spray painted the old rusty box the other day and then I thought, why not, so I painted bricks on it. Now it will match the drum we did the other day. It looks better from a distance. I also got the wrong can of red paint, I wanted the darker old brick colored one, but too late now!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

We painted at Don Luigi's Monday morning early starting around midnight! We finished around 11am. Here I am painting on the chalk board paint. Wyatt was at home tending/sleeping, Kevin.
It is a community chalk board where the kids, or anyone, can come and make comments or leave messages for their friends. We also drew a cartoon town map that includes some of the note worthy locations around town. And of course our favorite note worthy location. The Mortensen Castle!!! See more on the girls blogs!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Around the Pond

Wyatt and I are working on getting the pump set up again so that we can irrigate the pasture, so that we can disc it, so that we can try to plant it once again. We have planted it 3 times over the last 16 years and never had a good pasture or much of anything actually come up. I would like it to be green and nice and easily mowed so that it will look nice. Is that too much to ask for?
We had to row out to where we needed to drop the intake and it was so much fun we decided to take a spin around the pond. Who can that actractive couple be?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Working in the Yard and a home improvement project!

Got lots of helpers at the Castle
Kevin helping water down the sand after we got it in place!
Tadum! We painted an old 55 gallon drum to cover the septic cleanout and Kevin helped!!Part of the work crew after the mud bogging contest, he won!
Grandpa Clell fixed our shield,we painted it and Grandpa Castle hung it up and put the swords in.
We think it looks very cool.